Johan Valentin Flügel/Fliegel/Fluegel/Flegle immigrated from the Palatinate on the Rhine, Germany, on ship Davey and landed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 25 Oct 1738. He eventually settled in present-day Carroll County, Maryland, in the Westminster area, and owned parts of land tracts, "Spring Garden", "Resurvey on Molly's Industry" and "Brown's Plague", which was southwest of Krider's Church.
He had four sons, Charles, Valentine, Jacob and John, and also had four daughters whose married names were Anna Appolonia Zacharias, Catharine Kober/Cover, Mary Magdalena Stoner and Maria Eva Dagey. Some of his descendants still remain in Carroll County, Maryland.
This is The Official Vliegel, Flügal, Fluigel, Fleagle, Flagle, Flegal, Fleageal, Fleegle, Flegle, Fliegle, Flugel, Fleagal, Flegeal Family Reunion Website of descendants from Johan Valentine Flûegel created from the many years of data collected during all the years of reunions and research (The First Reunion was held in 1924).
The database was originally composed by the joint efforts of Richard David Fleagle, who entered the data and maintained it for many decades, and researcher Howard B. Flegle, who collected and researched data during those many years. In 2008, all of this data and some 10,000 names from the old database were reentered and sourced for this online version by the joint efforts of Sam Andrusko and Dorinda Davis Shepley so it could be shared with all of the descendants. The project was completed in 2010 and, since that time, additional data and photos have also been added.
We continue to add updates and photos as our families grow and always welcome your updates and photos to add to our growing database, so please feel free to send your submissions as the joint efforts of all is what makes this a success.